2018 Horoscope for Scorpio

2018 Horoscope for Scorpio

The cosmic Professor and disciplinarian Saturn has been in your for the past 2.5 years and it has definitely held you back in many ways (having fun being one of them). You may have felt older than your years or unable to really have fun and let lose. Luckily Saturn has moved into your cash flow and self-esteem zone for the next 2.5 years and you'll feel a lot more relaxed and able to make moves in your life without having to answer to others or worry too much about the outcome.

The good news is that Jupiter the planet of lucky breaks is your financial planet and is the most elevated of all the planets in 2018. If you focus on making money and being rewarded for all of your hard work, the rewards will come. Just make sure you aren't spending more and more because you feel as if 'your money ship has come in' Scorpios. Are you paying too much for your utilities every month? Can you find a more inexpensive cable or mobile company? Refinance? Saturn has a strong hold on your finances for the next 2.5 years. You need to be disciplined and knowledgeable about your money, taxes, deductions and rebates.

Many of you are happy with the status quo of being single this year. You've made some bad decisions over the past few years and it's ended up costing you more than it gave you didn't it? However with Jupiter the planet of good luck and opportunity moving into Virgo your 11th house of hopes, wishes and friendship August 11 - August 2017, you will have a lot more access to meeting people to date via friends and social situations. There are love opportunities with bosses, older people and authority figures this year, with Venus transiting your career zone for 4 months - a very long time for Venus. You will gravitate towards people who are above you in 'status' and who can be helpful to your career. Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac in 2018.

Consciously Coupled:
Your partnership zone is not a power house this year and tends to stay that way for 2018. Those of you who are married will likely stay married and the only glitch could be money and who's making more and who's not working hard enough. Venus the planet of flirtation and love affairs spends 4 months in Leo this year - a record breaking amount of time - your 10th house of career - June 5 - October 8. Some of you could find yourselves crushing on a boss or someone who is older than you - a father figure perhaps? However it won't lead to anything and won't last long in most cases. Now that Saturn the planet of life lessons has left your sign, it's like the parking brake has been taken off Scorpios and you will feel as if you have a lot more freedom - even if you are a newlywed or in a serious relationship. Hopefully your partner understands that you need to do your thing this year - mingle and network and promote yourself and or your business.

Venus the planet of charm and love spends 4 months of the year ensconced in your career zone which will be wonderful for those of you looking to climb the corporate ladder in order to better yourself, make more money, learn more and get a promotion. June 5 - October 8 are your best career achievement highlight times and you must make sure you are present and available - don't go on vacation whilst Venus is in your career zone. Saturn the planet of discipline in your 2nd house of self-esteem for the next 2.5 years means that you will slowly start to feel as if you have more leverage and opportunities work wise. If you're unhappy at your job, 2018 is the year to go on as many interviews as you can and see what's out there.

Money and how you manage it is your biggest challenge in 2018. It will definitely come in but it will also slip through your fingers quickly unless you are careful. Saturn in your 2nd house of cash flow and self-esteem doesn't take financial matters likely. If you owe taxes, the government will be looking for payment! Same for any loans or liens you owe. There is a spiritual growth that happens when you co-operate with Saturn and you don't want to miss this. After August 11 when Jupiter moves into your friendship zone, you will learn that wealth is much more tangible than just tangible things. Wealth of friendships is also wealth

Best Month: March
Difficult Month: February