2018 Horoscope for Leo

2018 Horoscope for Leo

Ever since Jupiter entered your sign last July you have been in a cycle of happiness and prosperity. You've had your challenges, but have help in dealing with them. The tone for 2018 is prosperity and joy, with Jupiter in your sign through August 11. Your mantra this year is to keep your spirits high, even though Saturn the planet of life lessons and focus in your fun zone will have you stretching yourself to the limit at times.

If there is a financial flaw this year it can come from being overly speculative Leos. In other words reckless. Jupiter the planet of spending up big in your sign through August 11 urges you to spend more than you can afford on luxury items or lottery tickets or gambling of some sort. On the flip side, you have lady luck on your side so you might just hit it big! 2018 brings with it a higher standard of life for many of you. You could meet a partner who is well off and benefit from their lifestyle or get a pay rise or downsize your home and therefore free up cash to spend on other things.

You've had plenty of admirers and flashy hot in the pan trysts with Jupiter in your sign and the opportunities keep on coming in 2018. Singles working towards their first marriage or partnership have excellent prospects this year. You will be involved with people that you consider 'marriage material'. Aries, Sagittarians and Aquarians are all great match ups for you and with Venus in your sign in August, it's the month to get engaged, married or commit yourself to someone exclusively. Either way - you can play the game or get involved. Both options are there for you in 2018.

Consciously Coupled:
2018 is a great year for you to enhance your relationship and smooth over the rough spots by doing fun kinds of things together - particularly through travel. If there are issues, traveling together somewhere exotic and adventurous - an African safari, a trip to Morocco or India - a place you will never forget. August 4 Jupiter and Venus the 2 most generous planets in the zodiac come together in your sign and along with the Sun in your sign, this is the perfect time to hit the road!

Teaching is a career that some of you will be interested in throughout 2018 with Jupiter the planet of enhancing your life and options hangs out in your sign through August 11, 2018. You might decide to take a lower paying job that fulfills you over a job that pays well but is unfulfilling spiritually and mentally. Your career is ruled by another fast moving planet, Venus. Thus there will be many short-term career trends that will affect your career and you could also decide to quit a job if you feel that your co-workers have turned on you or you have a work romance that turns sour. You like to work in a friendly, effusive environment that encourages your creativity and appreciates you.

Saturn settles into your fellow fire sign of Sagittarius this year, your 5th house of romance, self-fulfillment and creativity. For you, more than most mood is an important element in your spiritual practice. The Moon is your spiritual planet. Unless your feelings are engaged, there will be little success in your meditative life. The dark moods and places you felt in 2016 are largely over and done with. With Uranus the planet of the eccentric in your spiritual zone and fellow fire sign of Aries for the year, you will be forced to go deeper into your beliefs, to examine them more closely and perhaps revise some of them.

Best Month: August
Difficult Month: November